Saturday, February 22, 2014

Una Familia Eterna

It is the theme of the week.  We really have an eternal family!!

So I got a call from the assistants on Friday telling me I had to be in the offices for an interview with President at three.  We had just had an interview on Tuesday so I was very confused.  When he called me into his office and Hermana Carter entered as well I realized it wasnt for something mission-related.  He sat down and said he had bad news.  That my grandmother Peterson had passed away.  My second grandma to pass away on my mission. I began to cry and the Hermana Carter cried with me.  President said the email he received from you, Dad, was the nicest email he had received of that kind, that you were so thoughtful and humble.  I told him you are a good man and he said he could tell. He said I could call if I wanted and after pondering a bit I decided not to.  He left me with the Hermana for a bit and we talked.  I asked her how often this happens and she said two or three times a month.  We hugged and she told me she loves me and that the grieving process comes in waves and that I dont need to feel like a bad missionary for that.  I had the whole colectivo-ride home to think and ponder and pray.  I felt overwhelmed with emotion and peace.

I testified with more power that families are eternal and that it only made possible through the complete and restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is something that most people here believe in but they dont know for sure.  We were in a lesson with a beautiful family, two little 4-year-old boys, identical twins, and the parents that are both policia.  We started sharing about eternal families and we pulled out one picture each of our families. I only have pictures of parts of our family, not all together (could you send me one, please?:) and when I showed them the beautiful picture I have you Mami and Papi she began to cry.  What you two have can be felt even in a picture.  She said, "Es lindo."  She said she couldnt believe you two let me come all the way to Argentina and that you must miss me.  She thanks you.  As do I.  In church this Sunday we learned that we have eternal families to help us reach exaltation.  It is just so true.  With all the heartache, trials, problems, stresses, our families help us to be pure and to prepare to meet God.  They bring us the most joy, laughter, love, and peace.  

When I was there talking with the Hermana I wanted to ask if she knew if elyssa had had her baby and how you were all going to work that out, unable to be in two places at once.  But I knew you were all being taken care of.  The baby is so beautiful!!!!!!!!  I want to hug and kiss her!!  And Jethro, such a good big brother!!  We are seeing the plan that God has for every family in the height of action.  Birth and death, joy and sorrow.  With a Savior aware of every little detail.  

This life is a small moment.  If we are diligent, constantly diligent, in obeying the commandments of God we will have the biggest family hug in the history of mankind, with so much light and joy and health and understanding.  I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and all that He does for us to hep us make it all the way.  We wont be perfect in this life, but we will be obedient.  He always knows best. :)

I am truly full of joy and peace this morning and I am anxious to help others find what I feel!!  I love each of you so much! Mom, Dad, elyssa, Nick, Jethro, BABY, Paul, Heidi, Jonah. Tías, tíos, primos, abuelos.  You are wonderful.  Find comfort in the scriptures.

Con mucho amor,

Hermana Peterson

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